
Evernote web problems chrome
Evernote web problems chrome

  • Click on the green paper-clipped page icon on the right to open it.
  • Click the file you want to view from the left pane to select it.
  • Mac Users - right-click (or hold down the "control" key and click) on the image and select "Open".
  • Windows Users - mouse over the image on the right and double left-click to open it in Adobe Reader.
  • Single click (don't double-click or the page will open as an image, not a PDF) a page on the left side of the Evernote desktop to make it appear in the right side viewing pane.
  • To view the page as a Pencast PDF you must have Adobe Reader X (or later) installed ( Evernote Desktop NOTE: Mobile devices do not support Pencast PDFs. If you are using Evernote on your computer and are trying to view Pencast PDFs that you have uploaded, you may be opening an image of the page (black ink) instead of a Pencast PDF (green ink).

    evernote web problems chrome

    Why can't I see green ink when I open a Pencast PDF? My elephant-icon is green and I am logged in on the website.Ģ021\6\23 16:12:54 ERR Channel: Message 'tabClipper.checkBackgroundStatus' failed with error: Error: Tab must be specified Error: Tab must be specified at Extension._tabClipper (chrome-extension://pioclpoplcdbaefihamjohnefbikjilc/commons.js:56:67930) at tabClipper (chrome-extension://pioclpoplcdbaefihamjohnefbikjilc/commons.js:56:71812) at Channel._handleDispatchRequest (chrome-extension://pioclpoplcdbaefihamjohnefbikjilc/commons.js:32:88789) at Channel._handleMessage (chrome-extension://pioclpoplcdbaefihamjohnefbikjilc/commons.js:32:87326) at _listener (chrome-extension://pioclpoplcdbaefihamjohnefbikjilc/commons.180001 - No green ink on open Pencast PDF in Evernote does work 😞Ĭan anyone help me? This is te code I get in the error log. Tried to uninstall / reinstall, doesn't work. It worked on my previous laptop, so security won't be a thing. I can't change/update my browser as this is our IT-service who does this. I've just got a new laptop from my work and installing the evernote web clipper (just downloaded from the store) in Chrome (built .150 -64bits) in windows 10.

    Evernote web problems chrome